Girl with Maturation Arrest Acne

What is maturation arrest acne? Maturation arrest acne results when the acne formation process is halted, or “arrested,” hence the name. While not visible from far away, when you observe your skin closely or pull it tight, you will notice textured pebbles under the skin and an overall dull complexion. This type of acne is generally non-inflammatory, but inflammation can be present for some. Maturation arrest can be hard to identify and frustrating to treat. That being said, with help from a skincare professional, dedicated home care, and patience, you can achieve your clear skin goals. Let’s dive in and break it all down.

What Causes Maturation Arrest Acne?

Image of Maturation Arrest Acne

Maturation arrest is caused by closed comedones, or whiteheads, that become trapped under the skin and lead to a pebble-like appearance. Oil and dead skin cells accumulate inside the pore and create a blockage. In a typical acne life-cycle, the comedones mature into blackheads, or open comedones, which have been oxidized and can be more easily extracted from the skin. But here, the maturation process is stopped, or arrested. With no oxygen to clear the bacteria or inflammation present, the buildup gets trapped under the skin and makes extraction more difficult. As a result, the acne doesn’t heal and results in permanent pebbles under your skin.

Some individuals who are prone to inflammation can experience inflamed lesions as these closed comedones (pebbles) rise toward the surface of the skin.

Here Are Some Of The Culprits That Can Cause Maturation Arrest:

  1. Hormonal Imbalances: A rise in testosterone levels can lead to breakouts and maturation arrest.
  2. Pore-Clogging Ingredients in Topical Products: Check out our pore-clogging ingredients list for tips on what to avoid.
  3. Omega Fatty Acid Deficiency: Omega fatty acids protect the health of the skin barrier, balancing moisture and reducing bacteria.
  4. Excessive Inflammation: Consuming inflammatory foods or extreme exercise and sweating can lead to overall inflammation in the skin.
  5. Tobacco Use: Smoking cigarettes or using tobacco products causes a lack of oxygen to the skin and can lead to clogged pores.

How To Treat Maturation Arrest Acne

Maturation arrest acne can be difficult to treat, as it exists primarily underneath the surface of the skin and can be very stubborn. By taking a proactive approach and with the advice of an AOS certified acne specialist, you can achieve clear skin. We’ve outlined the following steps to help you on your journey to heal and avoid these non-inflamed breakouts.

I hope we’ve answered all your questions about maturation arrest acne today! If you have any lingering questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our licensed estheticians via live chat. If you need assistance optimizing your current routine, click here for a free skincare checkup or set up a personalized coaching program.

  • Check out our free acne lessons here.

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Unsure where to start? Reach out for a free skincare checkup, and our licensed estheticians will optimize your routine for the best results. We’ll be here every step of the way!

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Comments (9)

  1. Thanks for the info! I’ve always wondered about something with maturation arrest acne. Is there a reason why sometimes the matter that comes out of a non-inflammatory maturation arrest lesion looks like a small plug and other times it comes out in a thin string like a can of silly string?

    1. Hi Morgan,
      That depends on the size of the pore, as well as the how hardened and dry that area of the face is. It is normal to have a bit of variation :).

  2. Extremely helpful! Never knew what this was on my chin—just put an order in for the suggestions and super jazzed to start my new routine for glowing skin, AOS is my skin savior, thank you!

    1. Hi Christa, I have so many! I recommend reaching out to us on live chat and we can pick the exact one that is best for you.

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